What are your most frequently misspelled words? Every writer, of almost every age, has some.
We've compiled our own list of most frequently misspelled words, based on several reference books and our own experiences. To keep our list relatively short, we've included the words you're most likely to use in everyday writing.
Also, we've include just one form of several troublesome words. For example, we included recommend, but not recommended, recommending, and recommendation. Check our our quick quiz just below this list.
Printable list of our 102 Frequently Misspelled Words
absence | excellent | pneumonia |
accidentally | excitement | possess |
accommodate | experience | practically |
achieve | familiar | preferred |
acquaintance | fascinate | privilege |
against | favorite | probably |
a lot | February | raspberry |
already | finally | realize |
argument | foreign | receive |
attendance | friend | recommend |
because | government | remember |
beginning | grammar | restaurant |
believe | guarantee | rhythm |
business | height | ridiculous |
calendar | immediately | schedule |
cemetery | independent | scissors |
chief | instead | separate |
committee | interrupt | similar |
conscience | judgment | sincerely |
convenience | leisure | straight |
courageous | library | strengthen |
criticize | lightning | studying |
decision | lonely | summarize |
definitely | lying | surprise |
desperately | millionaire | thorough |
dictionary | mischievous | tomorrow |
different | necessary | truly |
disease | niece | until |
doesn't | noticeable | vacuum |
embarrass | occasion | vegetable |
enough | occurred | Wednesday |
environment | opposite | weight |
especially | particular | weird |
exaggerate | physical | yacht |
Quick Quiz:
Which of these words are spelled incorrectly? Do you know how
to fix them?
2. aquire
3. counterfiet
4. equiped
5. labortory
Scroll down for the answers.
Spelling Quizzes from the Evening News - Four fun spelling exercises. Can your students find and correct all the mistakes in these news reports? Many of the misspelled words appear on the list above.
Spelling Lessons - See our collection of tips and explanations, including help on spelling numbers!
Many of the most misspelled words in English are actually mistakes made with homonyms. See our lists and explanations of 50 sets of homonyms:
Troublesome Homonyms Explained, Part 1: Improve spelling skills by choosing the correct homonym. Will this man's fare be fair? Do you know how to use its and it's? What about past and passed or capital and capitol? There's bound to be something here you need to review or learn! Definitions and examples included for homonyms beginning with A - P. Free printable list.
Troublesome homonyms Explained, Part 2: If your/you’re ever to/too/two confused to use the correct homonym, print out this free, handy reference tool! This list features homonyms for the remainder of the alphabet, beginning with P - Y.
Tricky Elementary Spelling Words - Students in grades 2-5 sometimes need extra practice with these 100 common words.
Difficult English Spelling Words - Our list of 285 words spelled with IE and EI . Use this list to learn and practice the words you use most. Expand your skills and vocabulary with words you don't know. Use our free Step by Step spelling lesson plans to learn more about mastering these words.
Spelling Demons - Sometimes the words that trip us up are those that are easily-confused with other words, like desert/dessert and allusion/illusion. Master this list to improve your spelling skills.
Quiz Answers:
All five are misspelled. Here are the correct spellings:
1. superintendent 2. acquire 3. counterfeit
4. equipped 5. laboratory
Spelling Bee Toolboxes for Grades 3/5 and 6/8 All the resources you need for a successful bee!
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Think-A-Spell! A fun collection of brain teasers and spelling challenges. Best for ages 10 to adult.
101 Word Play Puzzlers Discover the FUN of letters & words as you solve each unique puzzle. Great vocabulary & spelling practice!
Gigantic Spelling Bee Word Lists with definitions, sentences and languages
Spelling Bee Toolboxes for Grades 3/5 and 6/8 All the resources you need for a successful bee!
Monumental Spelling Bee Word Lists for grades 3/4, 5/6 and 7/8 with definitions, sentences and languages
Mammoth Spelling Bee Word Lists for grades 3/4, 5/6 and 7/8 with sentences, definitions, and languages
Young Spellers Spelling Bee Word List for Grades 1 & 2 only
100 Difficult Spelling Bee Words with Definitions, Sentences and Pronunciations, Volumes 1 and 2
600 Spelling Bee Words & Sentences for Gr 3/5 & 6/8 Extra words & sentences at two levels
AnyWord Spelling Practice Series Fun Worksheets, games & prompts that work with almost ANY spelling words!