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Free Phonics Worksheets

Free phonics worksheet sample featuring words that begin with M and N

These free phonics worksheets will grab your students' attention and help to make learning fun!

I've sorted the worksheets by topic to make your preparation super-simple. Read through each list to find the pages you need most! 

Free Phonics Worksheets with Consonants:

smiling king wearing a crown

Phonics Printables - 2 super-simple worksheets for beginners, featuring the letters  b, c, d, f, g, and h as initial consonants   

Circle Sounds Maze - Kids find words that begin with B, then color their way through a fun maze!  See this maze for D words.

Phonics Worksheet - Here's more practice with initial consonants. This page features j, k and l.

Note This! - Super-fun page to color and practice words that begin with two sometimes confusing letters, m and n.

colorful quilt square

Crazy Quilt - Students will practice the letters p, q, and r as initial sounds, then color a quilt!

S-S-So Nice! and T-Time - Free phonics coloring pages featuring words that begin with s and t.

More Free Phonics Pages - Finish the alphabet with these two fun worksheets for V, W, X, Y and Z.  Great practice with a variety of formats.

Start the Picture and Winter Fun 
2 worksheets for more practice with beginning consonants and consonant blends

What's Last? Two cute pages in which kids need to say the names of some common objects and identify their ending sounds. K-Gr1

Free Phonics Worksheets with Vowels:

tree with green leaves

Rhyme Time  Two cute printables to give early learners practice in identifying rhyming words with short and long vowel sounds. 

Lots of Leaves!  - Students will discern long and short vowel phonics sounds as they complete this appealing page.

Short vowel Worksheets - 5 easy worksheets to practice the short vowel sounds for a, e, i, o and u.

 To E or not to E? - These are NOT worksheets, but they are easy activities to reinforce the important skill of using a silent e at the end of a word!

Whole Word Practice:

Fun Spelling Worksheets eBook

Be sure to check out my collection of Fun Spelling Worksheets for grades 1 and 2. 

You'll find lots of all-new pages, not on the website, to help boost your first and second graders' spelling and phonics skills!

Word family worksheets - Worksheet and booklet templates so your students can practice spelling any word family anytime!

 "Finish the Word" and "Match the Word Endings"  - Two colorful pages for basic phonics practice.

Literacy Worksheets for Early Learners: 3 fun reproducibles your kids can customize.

More Free Phonics Activities

A ladybug lifting a large log, from our fun ABC phonics poem

See our entire collection of phonics activities here.

ABC Phonics Poem - A fun and funny way to learn about initial sounds! A poem your early learners are sure to love. Inspire them to write their own and draw some fun pictures.

Letter Lines - Two fun worksheets that ask kids to read, copy and spell some simple three and four letter words. Perfect for kids who are eager to learn to read!

Phonics Flash Cards - A free printable set for the entire alphabet. We'll give you lots of ideas on using these flash cards as well as links to commercially-made card sets.

toy block with the letters ABC

Alphabet Games - Two easy games to play with a group of early learners!

Fun Preschool Phonics Games - 3 simple adaptations of familiar formats with a phonics twist. Games you'll want to use again and again.

Phonics for Kindergarten - Basic principles to follow when teaching phonics to preK-K students

Spelling Words Well logo

Spelling Bee Toolbox cover

Spelling Bee Toolboxes for Grades 3/5 and  6/8    All the resources you need for a successful bee!

Visit my YouTube Channel

Think a Spell brain teaser eBook

Think-A-Spell! A fun collection of brain teasers and spelling challenges. Best for ages 10 to adult. 

AnyWord Spelling Practice eBooks

AnyWord Spelling Practice Series Worksheets, Games and Prompts that work with almost ANY spelling words!

Fun Spelling Worksheets cover

Fun Spelling Worksheets for Grades 1 and 2    50 All-new reproducible pages for early learners!