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Crossword Puzzles for Kids

Crossword that reads "Fun Crossword Puzzles for Kids, plus a boy with a very large pencil. Find lots of #kidscrosswords at #spellingwordswell.

This new collection of crossword puzzles for kids is designed to provide fun spelling and language practice. Use the links below to try the first new puzzles.

If you would like to suggest a topic for another easy puzzle for kids, please contact me.

List of Crossword Puzzles for Kids

Colorful paper cutout of a family

Word Families - Find a word for each clue that belongs to the same word family as the BOLD words. Fun, easy printable crossword puzzle for elementary and ESL students. 

fresh vegetables

Vegetable Stir-Fry - Do you like your veggies all mixed up? That's great, because in this easy crossword, you'll need to unscramble the names of fifteen well-known vegetables. It's a fun, tasty puzzler!

Turkey wearing a hat

Thanksgiving Day Crossword Puzzle NEW - Solve 20 clues about food, tradition and the first Thanksgiving to successfully complete this fun crossword. This works well in the classroom or at home for a holiday family activity!

Big block yellow A from one of our kids crosswords of words that begin with A.  From www.spelling-words-well.com

Starts with A - How many A words do you know? Probably more than you think! This kids crossword puzzle contains eighteen familiar A words.

Double Zs from one of our crossword puzzles for kids with Double Z words. From our collection at www.spelling-words-well.com

Double Z Words - Will you be dazzled by this challenging kids' crossword puzzle? You'll need to find 15  ZZ words that fit the definitions.  Hint: I've just given you two of the answers!

tall green tree

Find the Misspellings Crossword  Kids love to find mistakes! To complete this page, they'll need to find one misspelled word in each sentence and write it correctly in the puzzle.

sight words crossword grid

Sight Words Crossword  This fun, easy crossword puzzle provides a great way to give your young students practice with important sight words. Students will read, write and spell simple sight words in context.

Spelling crossword puzzle - This puzzle provides a fun way to practice spelling those tricky plural nouns. Students must supply the correct plural form for the noun given in each clue. For the clue hero, for example, the student would write heroes into the puzzle diagram. 

barrel of monkeys

Scrambled Animals Crossword - Unscramble the names of 15 well-known animals and write them correctly into the puzzle. It's more fun than a barrel of monkeys!

Number Crossword - Practice the correct spelling of 20 number words in this simple crossword. This is great for language learners of all ages...and ESL students, too!

Sun and clouds

Antonyms Crossword - Would you rather have a sunny day or a cloudy day? If you know antonyms (opposites) like these, you'll have no trouble with this easy kids' crossword.

First grade spelling puzzles - Students will love solving these puzzles using 1st grade spelling words!

Third grade worksheets - The first worksheet is a crossword that includes the all-important calendar words. Clues contain scrambled words. The students have all the letters, but need to put them in the right order to complete the crossword correctly. The second page gives your third graders (or second or fourth graders) practice in spelling, writing and using some of the most common contractions. 

airplane in the clouds

Homophone Crossword - It won't be too/two hard to write/right the correct answers in the puzzle, will it?

Silence, Please! - Kids supply the missing silent letters in frequently-used words. Fun spelling practice!

Why Use Crossword Puzzles?

This website is all about spelling. You'll find spelling worksheets, spelling games, lots of spelling word lists, and spelling bee resources.  So why am I adding crossword puzzles? Because they are an additional tool for fun spelling practice! Correct spelling must be used to successfully complete crossword puzzles for kids,  or anyone else.

You'll note that I've built "free-form" crosswords . This type of puzzle allows me to write clues so that every answer fits the topic of the puzzle. No "filler" words are needed. This often makes for a simpler, more appealing puzzle for kids.

Hard Crosswords

blindfolded man

I've just written some more challenging crosswords, too, that you just may want to try! Here's just one from the new collection:

Which One Is It?  Don’t try to solve this tricky puzzle while you’re blindfolded. Instead, use what you know about correct spelling! Choose the one word that is spelled correctly and write it in the puzzle.

Looking for even more easy crosswords?

If so, please visit my other website, www.word-game-world.com!

flying bird

You'll find large sets of kids crossword puzzles and easy crosswords on topics of interest to all ages.

Why not start with this simple Rhyme Time Crossword Puzzle? On this kids' crossword, ask your child to come up with a word for each blank that rhymes with another important work in the clue. Solve the first couple of clues together until s/he has the idea. Then let the child try to finish the rest of the clues independently. 

More Fun Spelling Resources

While you're here, be sure to check out more helpful spelling resources. Here are just a few favorites:

letter cards that spell WALK

Sight Word Games Try three versions of LOVE the LETTERS!

Homonym Pairs - Or is it pears? This fun page requires students to select the correct homonym in ten sentences. Then they'll find their answers in a pear-shaped maze!

board game box with spelling errors

Wacky packages! - Find the spelling errors on these whimsical boxes.  One of our most popular pages!

Hands Up and Hop to It!  Fun classroom spelling activities

Author Ann Richmond Fisher

Ann Richmond Fisher is a longtime published educational writer, a former classroom teacher and a former homeschool teacher. Ann's spelling bee resources, graded spelling word lists, spelling games, worksheets, and other language arts resources have become respected around the globe since she launched Spelling-Words-Well in 2010.

Ann is also the creator of www.word-game-world.com.

Spelling Words Well logo

Spelling Bee Toolbox cover

Spelling Bee Toolboxes for Grades 3/5 and  6/8    All the resources you need for a successful bee!

Visit my YouTube Channel for fun spelling practice videos!

Crossword Puzzles for Kids eBook

Crossword Puzzles for Kids eBook20 new puzzles for grades 3-5.  Most clues written for differentiation. Learn more!

Sixth Grade Spelling Words and Activities eBook

Sixth Grade Word Lists & Activities: 240 Superb words and lots of learning activities! No printer needed. Also available for fifth grade.  Learn more>>

AnyWord Spelling Practice eBooks

AnyWord Spelling Practice Series Worksheets, Games and Prompts that work with almost ANY spelling words!

Fun Spelling Worksheets cover

Fun Spelling Worksheets for Grades 1 and 2    50 All-new reproducible pages for early learners!