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Free Easy Crossword Puzzles

tall green tree

Our free easy crossword puzzles provide a fun way to give kids practice in correct spelling. 

To complete this crossword, you'll need to identify the misspelled word in each sentence, then write it correctly in the puzzle diagram.

Find the Misspellings Puzzle

Printable Version & Answer

Find the Misspellings is one of the many free, easy crossword puzzles at www.spelling-words-well.com


1.       I never climed this high in the tree before!

4.       Tim was the frist one to finish his paper.

7.       Sara and Allie hope to see each other agian soon.

10.     I won’t come outside untill I clear the table.

11.     If you lisen closely, you can hear the robins.


1.       Max likes to coler with large crayons.

2.       What dose your baby brother like it eat?

3.       My best friend will be comeing to my birthday party.

5.       I realy want to go to the circus!

6.       We ate diner after the school play.

8.       It’s allmost cool enough to need a jacket.

9.       My aunt siad she would come over for a visit.

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