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Free Easy Crossword

barrel of monkeys

This free easy crossword is more fun than a barrel of monkeys! How quickly can you complete it?

You'll need to unscramble the names of 15 well-known animals, then write each one correctly in the puzzle diagram. (This is a fun and sneaky way to give kids extra spelling practice!)

Scrambled Animals Puzzle

Printable Version & Answer

Free easy crossword with scrambled animal names from #spellingwordswell


1.       t r o a p r

4.       s l a w r u

6.       l a w e h

9.       f r i g f e a

10.     s h e r o

12.     b r a i b t

13.     l e r u t t

16.     h o l d i p n

17.     c u k d


1.       a d a p n

2.       a b e z r

3.       n e k y o m

5.       d r e p s i

7.       m e t h a r s

8.       o s o g e

11.     g r i t e

14.     o n l i

15.     e k n a s

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