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A Kindergarten Worksheet for Phonics Practice

colorful drum

Try a kindergarten worksheet or two for some fun review with letter sounds. We have a growing collection of worksheets for early learners with ABC and phonics practice. You can find more on listed on this page.

What's Last?

On this engaging page, students need to say each word and listen carefully to its ending sound. Then they will draw a line from each picture to the matching letter in the box. Next, they'll try identify rhyming words, and finally, they can color all the pictures. That's packing a lot of learning fun into a single worksheet!

Printable Version of Both Worksheets

kindergarten worksheet

Last Sound

Here's a second kindergarten worksheet that features the same skills and almost identical instructions. Early learners can never get too much practice with these important skills!

kindergarten worksheet
What's Last?
bell, cat, ball, bed, boat, queen, pig, pencil, sled, sun
Rhymes: bed/sled
Last Sound
leaf, drum,cactus, shell, bus, dog, roof, jam, gum, frog
Rhymes: drum/gum, dog/frog

Extension Activities

1) Encourage kids to identify both initial and final consonant sounds in new words they learn, and in words that come up in classroom or family discussions.

2) After completing the pages above, ask students if they know of any other words that end with the featured consonants. Here are a few examples for a few of the letters: 

  • plug, snug, rug, bug, big, dig
  • l - hill, well, fill, pull, doll, spell, tall, tell, etc.
  • n - ten, again, pen, robin, man, woman, plan, fan, etc.

Looking for Another Kindergarten Worksheet?

alphabet printables

If so, we recommend these:

Alphabet printables: All spelling begins with letters. These worksheets cover ABC order for beginners.

ABC Fill-Ins: Two pages give students practice in completing the alphabet, then finding letters that spell a few kid-friendly words.

literacy worksheets

Letter Lines - Two fun worksheets that ask kids to read, copy and spell some simple three and four letter words. Perfect for kids who are eager to learn to read! For preK-Gr1

Literacy Worksheets for Early Learners: 3 fun reproducibles your kids can customize. Grades K-1.

Rhyme Time 

Two cute printables to give early learners practice in identifying rhyming words with short and long vowel sounds. Gr. 1-2.

Don't Forget the Games!

We have lots of great games for PreSchool and Kindergarten. Here are just two examples:

phonemic awareness game - Letter Lane

Letter Lane - A phomenic awareness board game that features beginning consonant sounds for the letters b,d,f and m. No reading is necessary. 

A Pickle or a Tickle:  Fun game for young children! Your students will need to listen carefully to initial consonant sounds as they play these entertaining games.

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Spelling Bee Toolboxes for Grades 3/5 and  6/8    All the resources you need for a successful bee!

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AnyWord Spelling Practice eBooks

AnyWord Spelling Practice Series Worksheets, Games and Prompts that work with almost ANY spelling words!

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Fun Spelling Worksheets for Grades 1 and 2    50 All-new reproducible pages for early learners!