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9th Grade Worksheets

for Spelling and Vocabulary Practice

weightlifter's arm lifting a barbell

You can use 9th grade worksheets to give your students practice with spelling and vocabulary skills. There are so many ways to give students at this level great practice, and many of them are actually fun!

9th Grade Worksheets

I'm a big fan of word play, word puzzles and brain teasers. They help build higher-level thinking skills. Plus they're a nice change from ordinary worksheets.

Here are just two examples.

A Hard Word Search Puzzle

What makes this so hard? Try to solve it and you'll find out! First, there's no word list. Instead, students must look through the word puzzle, think about words they already know, and do a bit of guessing. These important clues are supplied:

  • There are 25 words to find.
  • All the words are spelled with 7 letters.
  • Each word begins with a different letter of the alphabet.

Print out this puzzle and let your students get started. But remember, I suggest that you try it first!

9th grade worksheet - A hard word search puzzle from www.spelling-words-well.com

Mystery Word Scrambles

Word scrambles don't sound all that challenging right? Well...what if you didn't know what kind of words you were unscrambling? Are the words going to spell the names of foods, animals, places, inventions or...?

On this printable 9th grade worksheet, you'll see that each set of scrambled words contains 8 lines. One of the words describes the topic. The other seven words can be unscrambled to spell words related to that topic.

Again, please try this yourself before you share it with your students!

9th Grade Worksheet of Mystery Scrambles from www.spelling-words-well.com

What's the beauty of worksheets like these?

You can easily make your own throughout the year to give frequent spelling and vocabulary practice! Better yet, you can ask students to make these types of puzzles for you. Even the task of creating the puzzle forces students to look carefully at the correct spellings of all the words used in the puzzles!

More Upper Grade Worksheets & Resources

Cryptogram Worksheet: Puzzle page for upper grades. Includes instructions so students, parents or teachers can make more cryptogram puzzles with any word list. 

two arrows facing opposite directions

Antonym Antics - Vocabulary worksheet featuring antonyms and spelling. It's a unique format for your upper level students.

"Ex" Marks the Spot - Another great vocab worksheet upper grades.

 So N "ICE" to Know You!:  All the answers on this vocab page contain the letters ICE. 

Word Lists

You may also find these word lists to be helpful. If you students can master the spellings of these words, they will be stronger writers.

Author Ann Richmond Fisher

Ann Richmond Fisher is a longtime published educational writer, a former classroom teacher and a former homeschool teacher. Ann's spelling bee resources, graded spelling word lists, spelling games, worksheets, and other language arts resources have become respected around the globe since she launched Spelling-Words-Well in 2010.

Ann is also the creator of www.word-game-world.com.

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Spelling Bee Toolbox cover

Spelling Bee Toolboxes for Grades 3/5 and  6/8    All the resources you need for a successful bee!

Visit my YouTube Channel

Think a Spell brain teaser eBook

Think-A-Spell! A fun collection of brain teasers and spelling challenges. Best for ages 10 to adult. 

101 Word Play Puzzlers

101 Word Play Puzzlers   Discover the FUN of letters & words as you solve each unique puzzle. Great vocabulary & spelling practice!