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Crossword Express

A Long and Short Puzzle!

Climb aboard the Crossword Express for this challenging vocabulary puzzler! You'll need to supply long synonyms for some clues and short synonyms for others.

As you begin to fill in the grid, the letters you provide will give you clues to more and more words. Work your way back and forth between the crossword diagram and the clues until the puzzle is complete. Check out many of my other crosswords, too, listed at the bottom of this page.

The Long and Short Crossword

Here's a look at the page. Please get the printable version for best results. For your convenience, the clues are also provided below. Answers can be seen on the printable document. 

Crossword Express: The Long and Short Puzzler



3.      Long word for TINY

6.      Short word for PIECE

9.      Long word for QUIET

11.    Short word for ORDERLY

12.    Short word for VIVACIOUS

13.    Long word for NOISY

15.    Long word for MESSY


1.      Short word for GIGANTIC

2.      Short word for GLOOMY

4.      Long word for RAPID

5.      Short word for WATCHFUL

7.      Short word for COGITATE

8.      Long word for NEWS

10.    Short word for SOAR

14.    Short word for SLUGGISH

Extension Activity

Assign students to work in pairs to complete one or more of these tasks. Scroll down to the blue "Show the Answers" button for some possible answers. 

1. List 2 short words for WONDERFUL and 2 long words for BAD. 

2. List 2 short words for PEACEFUL and 2 long words for LOUD. 

3. Give 2 short words for GRUFF and 2 long words for GENTLE. 

4. List as many synonyms as possible for FAMILIAR (as in a person).

5. List as many antonyms as possible for WILD (as in an animal). 

Woolly mammoth with large tusks

You may also be interested in another Synonym Crossword. For each clue, you must select a synonym that fits into the diagram. Can you solve this mammoth-sized challenge?

Also on the Crossword Express...

Fresh veggies from our Crosswords for kids

Vegetable Stir-Fry - Do you like your veggies all mixed up? That's great, because in this easy crossword, you'll need to unscramble the names of fifteen well-known vegetables. It's a fun, tasty puzzler!

Silence, Please! - Kids supply the missing silent letters in frequently-used words. What a great way to provide some fun spelling practice!

Please check out my entire assortment of easier crosswords

Printable crossword puzzles for kids add a spark of fun to routine classroom or at-home learning activities. Crosswords are a great way to stretch kids' reading comprehension skills as they try to understand clues. They'll call upon their vocabulary skills as they attempt to recall the precise word that fits the meaning of each clue AND fits into the diagram. Finally, solving crosswords require exact spellings!

Don't get off the Crossword Express until you've tried some of these very challenging puzzles:

blurred grand piano

Muddled Music Crossword - Sharpen your focus to solve this one! Replace one or two letters in each clue to spell a musical term. 

Learning Locations - You have probably heard of these 22 American colleges and universities. But do you know where they're located? Find out when you try this challenging crossword puzzle!

White House

Presidential Middle Names - Check your knowledge of some interesting trivia about U.S. Presidents! Can you supply the name of the president who had/has each of these middle names? 

Anagram Crossword: Can you choose the correct anagram for each five-letter clue to correctly complete this puzzling puzzler??? Hint: Here are three examples of anagrams: solve/loves, lemon/melon and easel/lease.

Sports Crossword Puzzles: cheering fans

Sports Scramble: Can you unscramble the names 40 different sports? Some are short and simple, but others are really, really long. See if you're up to this challenge! Whether you like water sports, air sports, ball sports, or just about any other kind of sport, we have a clue for you!

Doctor, Doctor!  Supply the names of 20 different kinds of medical specialists. Time for a checkup!  You may know the names of most of the kinds of specialists listed in this puzzle. But you’ll have to also spell them correctly to correctly to complete the puzzle! How long will it take you to supply all these answers?

Here are some possible answers. There are many others as well.
1. good, great; miserable, disastrous
2. calm, quiet; deafening, earsplitting
3. stern, grim; soothing, nonabrasive
4. close, comfortable, friendly, chummy, tight-knit, close-knit, cordial, social, tight, loving, warm, devoted, neighborly, snug, amicable, tenderhearted, etc.
5. feral, untamed, uncontrolled, unbroken, untrained, brutal, undomesticated, uncivilized, etc.

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Crosswords from Word-Game-World

My other website is bursting with crosswords, word searches, anagrams, and lots of other puzzles. Here's a few of the more challenging crosswords:

world globe

Where In the World? Test your knowledge of famous locations around the world. Great for Geography buffs, family night or Social Studies class!

Acronym Crossword Puzzle This interesting acronym crossword uses terms from government, medicine, technology, sports and more. Simply supply the missing word in each acronym.

Author Ann Richmond Fisher

Ann Richmond Fisher is a longtime published educational writer, a former classroom teacher and a former homeschool teacher. Ann's spelling bee resources, graded spelling word lists, spelling games, worksheets, and other language arts resources have become respected around the globe since she launched Spelling-Words-Well in 2010.

Ann is also the creator of www.word-game-world.com.

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Spelling Bee Toolbox cover

Spelling Bee Toolboxes for Grades 3/5 and  6/8    All the resources you need for a successful bee!

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Crossword Puzzles for Kids eBook

Crossword Puzzles for Kids eBook20 new puzzles for grades 3-5.  Most clues written for differentiation. Learn more!

Sixth Grade Spelling Words and Activities eBook

Sixth Grade Word Lists & Activities: 240 Superb words and lots of learning activities! No printer needed. Also available for fifth grade.  Learn more>>