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Online Spelling Bee Game

kids jumping at the chalkboard

If you're looking for an online spelling bee game, I think you're going to love this one! You'll have to know how to correctly spell a lot of challenging words to score well. Try it on your own or compete with a friend to see who gets the higher score.

Note: This is a great exercise to complete before your next spelling bee competition.

Online Spelling Bee Game

To play this game, first carefully read each set of words. Select the ONE word that is spelled INCORRECTLY. Then try to spell that word correctly. Finally, check your answer and figure out your score. 

To Score: Give yourself 1 point for correctly identifying the misspelled word. Give yourself 2 more points for spelling it correctly.

Is giraffe spelled correctly? Choose the correct spellings of many difficult words in this fun online spelling bee game.

1.  raccoon, giraffe, opposum


2. brocolli, cauliflower, zucchini



3. raspberry, blackcurrent, coconut


4. referee, athletic, badmitton


two animals canoeing

5. canoeing, kayakking, wrestling


6. geneology, ancestor, inheritance


7. linear, algorythm, parallel


cartoony judge pounding a gavel

8. accomplice, defendent, acquittal


9. amateur, chartreuse, connoiseur


10. truely, affectionately, cordially


diagram of lungs

11. amnesia, asthma, dimentia


12. accomodate, occasional, corroborate


13. renaisance, renovate, renegade



14. omniscient, unconscious, conscientous


15. picturesque, silioquy, quixotic


Find Your Score on Our Online Spelling Bee Game

check mark

Give yourself 1 point for each incorrect word that you identified. Give yourself 2 more points for each of those words that you spelled correctly. Find your ranking:

  • 41-45 - Excellent job!
  • 35-40 -  Good job!
  • 25-34 - Room for Improvement
  • 0-24 - Work on your spelling. You can start by learning the words on the spelling lists on this page!

Here's another spelling bee quiz that works the same way.

More Spelling Bee Games & Resources

If you're looking for a different twist on the conventional spelling bee, try one of these fun new games. They provide a good way to practice spelling words, which is the whole point, right?

Spelling bee trophy

Spelling Bee Challenge - In this unique fill-in crossword, you'll need to place 32 difficult spelling bee words. How many of these words can you spell and/or define?

Step Up is a fun spelling bee team game. When all the team members spell correctly, the team moves ahead. It can be used with any set of spelling bee words and can be used with most grades.

Silent Spelling Bee Games  It's a whole different game when students are working silently! We think you'll like this twist.

Kids will enjoy practicing for spelling bees when they play a variety of my classroom spelling word games. My collection includes a wide variety of game formats at many different levels of difficulty. There's something for everyone! 

Spelling Bee Words by Grade Level

bee surrounded by letters SPELLING

These word lists will help you prepare for your next spelling bee competition! Each spelling bee list contains 100 - 120 words, arranged generally from easiest to most difficult. 

  1. Spelling Words Well
  2. Bee Resources
  3. Online Bee Game
Spelling Words Well logo

Spelling Bee Toolbox cover

Spelling Bee Toolboxes for Grades 3/5 and  6/8    All the resources you need for a successful bee!

Visit my YouTube Channel for fun spelling practice videos!

Gigantic 78 cover

Gigantic Spelling Bee Word Lists with definitions, sentences and languages

Spelling Bee Toolbox Gr 35

Spelling Bee Toolboxes for Grades 3/5 and 6/8   All the resources you need for a successful bee! 

monumental grade 56 cover

Monumental Spelling Bee Word Lists for grades 3/4, 5/6 and 7/8 with definitions, sentences and languages

mammoth grade 34 cover

Mammoth Spelling Bee Word Lists  for grades 3/4, 5/6 and 7/8  with sentences, definitions, and languages

Young Spellers cover

Young Spellers Spelling Bee Word List for Grades 1 & 2 only 

100 Diff Words Vol 1

100 Difficult Spelling Bee Words with Definitions, Sentences and Pronunciations, Volumes 1 and 2

600 Spelling Bee Words list

600 Spelling Bee Words & Sentences for Gr 3/5 & 6/8 Extra words & sentences at two levels

"TEST" written on a small, framed chalkboard

New Free Spelling Tests! How well will you score on these challenging spelling tests?